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RARE 3DO M2 DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM APPLE MACINTOSH QUADRA 840AV + 3DO M2 16MB NuBus CARD + CD-ROM DRIVE BOX FZ-DR21 To bidder(s): 3DO M2 IS NOT RELEASED ON MARKET YOU HAVE TO "CREATE YOUR OWN PROGRAMME" ON IT, NO SUPPORT COULD BE OFFER, SORRY It's a FULL system made for PANASONIC on 3DO M2 (Dual PowerPC 602) development, it's NOT related to any fake or copy on video game. Basically 3DO M2 is NOT RELATED with any released 3DO system(s) & game(s) on market, it's the LAST OFFICIAL HARDWARE by 3DO Company before it BANKRUPTCY :(
This is the UNKNOWN condition RARE 3DO M2 DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM APPLE MACINTOSH QUADRA 840AV + 3DO M2 16MB NuBus CARD + CD-ROM DRIVE BOX FZ-DR21, it's from USA & Japan. Sure it's a rare & nice item for anyone who looking for Panasonic 3DO M2 . . . . . . I got the M2 NuBus card many years ago but the 840AV & FZ-DR21 include are from other (TWO) local TV game collector (^_^) Auction include (might be) a full Panasonic 3DO M2 development system (which showing on photos below):- [] x1 Apple Macintosh Quadra 840AV (32MB Ram / 68040 40MHz / OS = 7.6.1) [] x1 3DO M2 16MB NuBus development card (in original packing box with installation guide) [] x1 3DO M2 Development CD-ROM Drive Box FZ-DR21 [] x1set connection cable (between 3DO M2 16MB NuBus card & CD-ROM Drive Box FZ-DR21) (Testing Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse & 3DO controller showed below are NOT INCLUDE!) Because I'm NOT good at programming . . . . . . I'm not 100% sure how it works, I tried to test them as possable as I can (view photos below, please).
From this photo you could see the Quadra's face panel is YELLOW :( & not like new . . . It's from many auction on TV games. BUT . . . 3DO M2 Portolio & Toolkit is already installed on the 840AV HDD, few document folder / files also include* * Ver. 3.0 development software installed on Quadra 840AV but NO PAPERWORKS include.
It's back . . . as yellow as it's face (T_T) Only a 15-Pins (5x3) VGA converter include.
Close-up on the Quadra you are bidding on * * Ver. 3.0 development software installed on Quadra 840AV but NO PAPERWORKS include.
The 3DO M2 16MB NuBus card . . . I got it many many years ago from Japan . . . Yes, Japan not U.S., in the pass few years I'm keep looking for releted accessories for it . . . but found nothing except the Mac above :) I got it with the original packing box, inside the box is a . .
Close-up on the M2 NuBus card, it's marked V.3.4 / THE 3DO COMPANY / 1996 MADE IN U.S.A.
like like new M2 NuBus card,
On the other side, x2 IBM PowerPC 602 using.
This it the Panasonic FZ-DR21, It's from other TV game collector 'Bill' he got it from some 3DO friends for 4-5 years ago . . . but he's doesn't got the 3DO M2 NuBus card . . . so we (Bill & me joint together & try to sell our items (^_^) As you see on photo, the FZ-DR21 comes with a connection cable & power supply.
Condition of the FZ-DR21 is great, some (tiny) scratches found . . . 1/ due to it's age . . . 2/ due to we are not the 1st owner :P but overall it shouldn't be worse anyways.
Close-up . . . you see it's worse ?
WOptical Unit seems also in escellent condition
the 26-Pins cable still in great condition but the a.c. 100V-240V power supply . . . It's also in excellent working condition . . . just a lot of major scratches found (!_!)
The 26-Pins cable is connect to the end of 3DO M2 16MB Development NuNus Card, the other two jacks are S-Video output & Video Output (NTSC 3.58)
3DO M2 16MB NuBus Card is installed on Quadra 840AV for testing . . .
The 3DO M2 16MB DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM you are bidding is undertesting . . . the small Window is the 3DO M2 display, Hi_Ricky just connect it to the 840AV to show both testing screen on one monitor.
3DO M2 self-test programme is running . . . smooth
Graphic on self-test keep changing (^_^) the whole system seems running smooth . . .
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